Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Trolley Ride...

I visited San Antonio, TX, a few years back and I took this great picture of a trolley. It gave me this great feeling of nostalgia, but I'm not sure why because I don't remember ever having ridden a trolley in my life or at least not having ridden one in years. There's just something about that trolley that makes me think of good things and simple pleasures. I think we all need to have those things in our lives that help us reflect on the good, especially with there being so much chaos in the world today. People are like that as well. We need to surround ourselves with people who lift us up and provide us with a great measure of support. And we need to find the things in our lives that inspire us, give us peace, keep us sane. For me, it's being creative. For you, it might be knitting or playing the oboe or chatting with friends.

We all should latch on to the "trolley moments" in life and cherish them...

1 comment:

Watcha You Thinkin About said...

I like this, the "Trolley" no beginning and no end takes you to places never discovered before by you, it inspires you to be more then who or what you think you are. The inspiration takes you to places that you never imagined being. I too love the freedom of being creative it keeps me grounded but at the same time I am also able to be so free.

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